0417 001 861

Sherwood, Queensland 4075


Indigenous archaeology & cultural heritage management

Personnel Profiles

Dr Yinika Perston

Archaeologist and Lithic Expert

Yinika Perston

Yinika has completed a Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons) and a Diploma in Indigenous Archaeology from the University of New England (2012), and a Doctor of Philosophy from Griffith University (2022). She is a lithic specialist, and is employed by WHC as a casual employee where she undertakes both stone artefact analyses and field-based tasks.

Yinika has spent 13 years analysing stone artefact assemblages from across Australia including southwest and western Qld, northern and north-west NSW, and northern WA, as well as Indonesia, France, the United Arab Emirates, and Timor Leste. These have ranged from contact-era glass artefacts at Native Mounted Police camps in Australia to pre-hominin assemblages from the Mata Menge site (1.02 +/- 0.02 million years old) in the So’a Basin of Flores, Indonesia. She has also been involved in the excavation of seven Pleistocene and Holocene caves sites in Indonesia and the Kimberley region of Western Australia, as well as participating in the survey and excavation of Historic and Indigenous open sites across the greater Sydney region, North Central and New England NSW, the Kimberley region of WA, and the Central West and coastal Qld.

Yinika’s PhD involved the technical analysis of over 27,500 stone artefacts from South Sulawesi in Indonesia, and an assessment of the technological changes to occur over the 100,000 years of lithic production in the area. She is currently employed as a research assistant to Prof. Lynley Wallis on the ARC Special Research Initiative project Fugitive Traces: Reconstructing Yulluna experiences of the frontier and lecturer in archaeology at Griffith University.