Yinika has completed a Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons) and a Diploma in Indigenous Archaeology from the University of New England (2012), and a Doctor of Philosophy from Griffith University (2022). She is a lithic specialist, and is employed by WHC as a casual employee where she undertakes both stone artefact analyses and field-based tasks.
Yinika has spent 13 years analysing stone artefact assemblages from across Australia including southwest and western Qld, northern and north-west NSW, and northern WA, as well as Indonesia, France, the United Arab Emirates, and Timor Leste. These have ranged from contact-era glass artefacts at Native Mounted Police camps in Australia to pre-hominin assemblages from the Mata Menge site (1.02 +/- 0.02 million years old) in the So’a Basin of Flores, Indonesia. She has also been involved in the excavation of seven Pleistocene and Holocene caves sites in Indonesia and the Kimberley region of Western Australia, as well as participating in the survey and excavation of Historic and Indigenous open sites across the greater Sydney region, North Central and New England NSW, the Kimberley region of WA, and the Central West and coastal Qld.
Yinika’s PhD involved the technical analysis of over 27,500 stone artefacts from South Sulawesi in Indonesia, and an assessment of the technological changes to occur over the 100,000 years of lithic production in the area. She is currently employed as a research assistant to Prof. Lynley Wallis on the ARC Special Research Initiative project Fugitive Traces: Reconstructing Yulluna experiences of the frontier and lecturer in archaeology at Griffith University.
Perston, Y.L. 2023 Understanding Chipped Stone Tools by Brian Hayden, Principles of Archaeology, Clinton Corners, Eliot Werner Publications Inc., 2022, 160 pp. – book review. Australian Archaeology. DOI: 10.1080/03122417.2023.2183592
Ilmi, M.M., E. Maryanti, N. Nurdini, R. Lebe, A.A. Oktaviana, B. Burhan, Y.L. Perston, P. Setiawan, Ismunandar and G.T.M. Kadja 2023 Uncovering the chemistry of color change in rock art in Leang Tedongnge (Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 48: 103871. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.103871
Perston, Y.L., L.A. Wallis, H. Burke, C. McLennan, E. Hatte and B. Barker 2022 Flaked Glass Artifacts from Nineteenth–Century Native Mounted Police Camps in Queensland, Australia. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 26: 789-822. DOI: 10.1007/s10761-021-00624-5
Perston, Y.L., M. Moore, Suryatman, B. Burhan, B. Hakim, Hasliana, A.A. Oktaviana, R. Lebe, M. Irfan and A. Brumm 2022 Stone-flaking technology at Leang Bulu Bettue, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Archaeology in Oceania 57: 249-272. DOI: 10.1002/arco.5272
Maloney, T.R., L.A. Wallis, I. Davidson, B. Barker, H. Burke, D. Melville, G. Jacks and Y.L. Perston 2022 Lithic technologies from a stone hut and arrangement complex in Pitta Pitta Country Queensland, and the detection of social learning in archaeology. Australian Archaeology 88(2): 180–199. DOI: 10.1080/03122417.2022.2082001
Martellotta, E., Y.L. Perston, P. Craft, J. Wilkins and M.C. Langley 2022 Beyond the main function: An experimental study of the use of hardwood boomerangs in retouching activities. PLoS ONE 17(8): e0273118. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273118
Maloney, T.R., A.A. Oktaviana, P. Setiawan, Suryatman, Y.L. Perston and M. Aubert 2022 Making impact: Towards discovering early projectile technology in Island South East Asian archaeology. Archaeological Research in Asia 29. DOI: 10.1016/j.ara.2022.100351
Brumm, A., A.A. Oktaviana, B. Burhan, D. McGahan, Y.L. Perston and M. Aubert 2021 In search of early humans and ‘Ice Age’ art in South Sulawesi. In Puslit Arkenas Membumikan Arkeologi: Tribute untuk Kepala Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional Dr. I Made Geria. Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional dan Yayasan Pustaka Obor, Indonesia (pp. 63-74).
Perston, Y.L., B. Burhan, K. Newman, B. Hakim, A.A. Oktaviana and A. Brumm 2021 Technology, subsistence strategies and cultural diversity in South Sulawesi, Indonesian, during the Toalean Mid-Holocene period: recent advances in research. Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology 45: 1-24. DOI: 10.7152/jipa.v45i0.15693
Carlhoff, S., A. Duli, K. Nägele, M. Nur, L. Skov, I. Sumantri, A.A. Oktaviana, B. Hakim, B. Burhan, F.A. Syahdar, D. McGahan, D. Bulbeck, Y.P. Perston, K. Newman, A.M. Saiful, M. Ririmasse, S. Chia, Hasanuddin, D.A.T. Pulubuhu, Suryatman, Supriadi, C. Jeong, B.M. Peter, K. Prüfer, A. Powell, J. Krause, C. Posth and A. Brumm 2021 Genome of a middle Holocene hunter-gatherer from Wallacea. Nature, 596(7873): 543-547. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03823-6
Perston, Y.L., Brumm, A., Suseno, S., Hakim, B., & Suryatman 2021 Excavation report for the Bomboro site: A chert quarry site in the Bomboro Valley, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi | Laporan Ekskavasi terhadap situs Bomboro: Situs tambang rijang di Lembah Bomboro, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan. Walennae 19(1): 1-10. DOI: 10.24832/wln.v19i1.428
Perston, Y.L., M. Moore, Suryatman, M.C. Langley, B. Hakim, A.A. Oktaviana and A. Brumm 2021 A standardised classification scheme for the Mid-Holocene Toalean artefacts of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. PLoS ONE 16(5): e0251138. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251138
Suryatman, Fakhri, B. Hakim, Y.L. Perston, R. Sardi, K. Newman, Hasanuddin, M. Nur and K. Muda 2021 Incised stone artefact in the context of Middle Holocene burials at Cappalombo 1, South Sulawesi, Indonesia | Artefak batu bergores dalam konteks penguburan Holosen Tengah di Situs Cappalombo 1, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. SPAFA Journal 5. DOI: 10.26721/spafajournal.2021.v5.684
Perston, Y.L., I. Sumantri, B. Hakim, A.A. Oktaviana and A. Brumm 2020 Excavation report for Leang Rakkoe: A new Toalean site with engraved art in the Bomboro Valley, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi | Laporan ekskavasi terhadap situs Rakkoe: situs Toala yang baru dengan seni pahat di Lembah Bomboro, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan. Walennae 18(1): 51-64. DOI: 10.24832/wln.v18i1.427
Moore, M., K. Westaway, J. Ross, K. Newman, Y.L. Perston, J. Huntley, S. Keats, Kandiwal Aboriginal Corporation and M.J. Morwood 2020 Archaeology and art in context: Excavations at the Gunu Site Complex, Northwest Kimberley, Western Australia. PLoS ONE 15(2). Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226628
Brumm, A., M.C. Langley, B. Hakim, Y.L. Perston, Suryatman, A.A. Oktaviana, B. Burhan and M. Moore 2020 Scratching the surface: engraved cortex as portable art in Pleistocene Sulawesi. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 27(3). DOI: 10.1007/s10816-020-09469-4
Brumm, A., K.L. Shagir, T. Ismail, B. Hakim, Y.L. Perston, K. Newman and C. Macknight 2019 Retracing Alfred Russel Wallace’s 1857 expedition to the Maros karsts of Sulawesi. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126(4): 637-654. DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/bly211
Perston, Y.L., N.R. Andrew and P.G. McDonald 2019 Implications of climate change on the behaviour and activity patterns of the ubiquitous meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureous (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Smith, 1858). General and Applied Entomology 46: 1-9.
Brumm, A., B. Hakim, M. Ramli, M. Aubert, G.D. van den Bergh, B. Li, B. Burhan, A.M. Saiful, L. Siagian, R. Sardi, A. Jusdi, Abdullah, A.P. Mubarak, M. Moore, G.R. Roberts, J. Zhao, D. McGahan, B.G. Jones, Y.L. Perston, K. Szabó, M.I. Mahmud, K. Westaway, Jatmiko, E.W. Saptomo, S. van der Kaars, R. Grün, R. Wood, J. Dodson and M.J. Morwood 2018 A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0202357. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202357
Brumm A., M.C. Langley, M. Moore, B. Hakim, M. Ramli, I. Sumantri, B. Burhan, A.M. Saiful L. Siagian, Suryatman, R. Sardi, A. Jusdi, Abdullah, A.P. Mubarak, Hasliana, Hasrianti, A.A. Oktaviana, S. Adhityatama, G.D. van den Bergh, M. Aubert, J. Zhao, J. Huntley, B. Li, R.G. Roberts, E.W. Saptomo, Y.L. Perston and R. Grün 2017 Early human symbolic behavior in the Late Pleistocene of Wallacea. PNAS 114(16): 4105-4110. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1619013114
Moore, M. and Y.L. Perston 2016 Experimental Insights into the Cognitive Significance of Early Stone Tools. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158803. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158803
Perston, Y.L. 2023 Short report on the stone artefact assemblages of Nana Bici Acin and Atu Gua Luli, Timor Leste. Unpublished report to Dr Stuart Hawkins and Professor Sue O’Connor, The Australian National University.
Wallis, L.A. and Y.L. Perston 2022 Documentation of Cultural Heritage Sites on Marion Downs Station. Unpublished report to Pitta Pitta Aboriginal Corporation (PPAC).
Perston, Y.L., A. Jalandoni, C. Farrar and D. McGahan 2022 Pullen Pullen Reserve Cultural Heritage Survey. Unpublished report prepared for Maiawali Traditional Owners and Bush Heritage Australia.
Wallis, L., H. Burke, H., Y.L. Perston and E. Brien 2021 Archaeological Surveys and Site Recording on Marion Downs Station, 4–12 June 2021. Unpublished report to the PPAC and The North Australian Pastoral Company (NAPCo).
Perston, Y.L. 2020 Analysis of glass artefacts from Mistake Creek and Boralga, Central & Northern Queensland. Unpublished report to Wallis Heritage Consulting.
Perston, Y.L. 2020 Analysis of glass artefacts from Eyre’s Creek and Puckley Creek, southwest and northern Queensland. Unpublished report to Wallis Heritage Consulting.
Perston, Y.L., and O. Budd 2017 Analysis of stone artefacts, The Outlook Project Gleneagle, Beaudesert, Southeast Queensland. Unpublished report for Australian Heritage Specialists and Mununjali community.
Moore, M and Y.L. Perston 2015 Analysis of Stone Artefacts, Western Wakka Wakka Test Excavations, Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, Southeast Queensland. Unpublished report to Turnstone Archaeology.
Moore, M and Y.L. Perston 2010 Stone Artefacts from Wyaralong Dam, Test Excavation 1: Preliminary Findings. Unpublished report to Turnstone Archaeology and Jagera Daran Pty Ltd.
Perston, Y.L. 2022 Transitions in Stone-Flaking Technology in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution, Griffith University.
Perston, Y.L. 2012 Using Controlled Experiments to Explore Intent in Stoneworking at Liang Bua, Indonesia. Unpublished honours thesis, Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology department, University of New England.
Posted on 08 April 2013
Posted on 06 April 2013
Posted on 06 April 2013
Posted on 17 March 2013