Since the 1980s Noelene has been involved in archaeological research, consulting and teaching.
While she has in her career, undertaken extensive rock art research (both nationally and internationally), Noelene has also worked in cultural heritage conservation and management, community archaeology, oral history projects and historical and museum collections research. She has also participated in cultural heritage surveys and assessments associated with land tenure resolution, conservation works, infrastructure, mining development and tourism.
Noelene is known for her commitment to community engagement and collaboration with Traditional Owners and has, over her career, built an invaluable network of professional and personal contacts in northern Australia. She has invested a substantial amount of time in her career to campaigning for the protection of Cape York Penninsula rock art in the face of construction and mi
ning development. In recent years she has worked with joint managers (Qld National Parks and Wildlife and relevant Aboriginal Corporations) of newly formed national parks (CYPALs) to develop planning and management strategies for rock art. Working with the Laura Aboriginal community, Noelene was also able to gain statutory recognition of Quinkan rock art through the National Heritage List process.
Her formal qualifications include a PhD (Archaeology/Anthropology) from James Cook University (1998), a BA Hons (Archaeology/Anthropology) from James Cook University (1988) and a BA from the University of Queensland (1969).
Noelene has a number of professional affiliations and registrations with relevant associations including the Australian Archaeological Association (AAA), the Australian Institute of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies, and the Australian Rock Art
Research Association. She is also on the Editorial Advisory Board for Australian Archaeology and Queensland Archaeological Research.
Cole, N., L.A. Wallis, H. Burke, B. Barker and Rinyirru Aboriginal Corporation 2020 ‘On the brink of a fever stricken swamp’: culturally modified trees and land-people relationships at the Boralga Native Mounted Police camp, Cape York Peninsula. Australian Archaeology 86(1):21–36.
Barker, B., L.A. Wallis, H. Burke, N. Cole, K. Lowe, U. Artym, A. Pagels, L. Bateman, E. Hatte, C. De Leiuen, I. Davidson and L. Zimmerman 2020 The archaeology of the ‘Secret War’: the material evidence of conflict on the Queensland frontier 1849–1901. Queensland Archaeological Research 23:25–41.
Burke, H., B. Barker, N. Cole, L.A. Wallis, E. Hatte, I. Davidson and K. Lowe 2018 The Queensland Native Police and strategies of recruitment on the Queensland frontier 1849–1901. Journal of Australian Studies. DIO:
Davidson, I., H. Burke, L. Wallis, B. Barker, E. Hatte & N. Cole 2018 ‘Connecting Myall Creek and the Wonomo’ in J. Lydon & L. Ryan (eds.), Remembering the Myall Creek Massacre, New South Publishing, Sydney:100–11.
Lowe, K., N. Cole, H. Burke, L.A. Wallis, B. Barker, E. Hatte and Rinyirru Aboriginal Corporation 2018 The archaeological signature of ‘ant bed’ mound floors in the northern tropics of Australia: case study on the Lower Laura (Boralga) Native Mounted Police Camp, Cape York Peninsula. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 19:686–700.
Burke, H, L. Wallis, B. Barker, M. Tutty, N. Cole, I. Davidson, E. Hatte and K. Lowe 2017 The homestead as fortress: fact or folklore? Aboriginal History 41:151–178.
Cole, N. 2017 Book review: The Remote Avant-Garde: Aboriginal art under occupation, by Jennifer Loureide Biddle. Journal of Anthropological Research Spring 2017: 119–120.
Wallis, L.A., I. Davidson, H. Burke, S. Mitchell, B. Barker, E. Hatte, N. Cole and K.M. Lowe 2017 Aboriginal stone huts along the Georgian River, southwest Queensland. Queensland Archaeological Research. Queensland Archaeological Research 20:1–8.
Cole, N. 2016 Land/People Relationships and the Future of Rock Art in the Laura Basin, Northeastern Australia. In L. Brady and P. Taçon (eds) Relating to Rock Art in the Contemporary World: Negotiating symbolism, meaning and significance. pp. 189–212. Boulder: University Press Colorado.
Cole, N. 2016 Regions without borders: related rock art landscapes of the Laura Basin, Cape York Peninsula. in J-C. Verstraete and D. Hafner (eds) Land and Language in Cape York Peninsula and the Gulf Country, pp.61–84. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins Publishing Company.
Cole. N. 2014 Percy Trezise Biography. In C. Smith (ed.) Encyclopaedia of World Archaeology. Springer Reference.
Cole, N. and A. Buhrich 2012 Endangered rock art: 40 years of cultural heritage management in the Quinkan region, Cape York Peninsula. Australian
Archaeology 75:66-77.
Cole, N. 2011 ‘Ancient art and modern Australians: continuity in the Laura art system, Cape York Peninsula’ in Clottes, J. (ed.), L’Art Pleistocene dans le monde. Actes du Congres IFRAO, International Federation of Rock Art Organisations, Tarasconsur Ariège:1023–1036.
Cole, N. 2011, Rock paintings are stories: rock art and ethnography in the Laura region, Cape York Peninsula. Rock Art Research 28(1):107–116.
Cole, N 2010 Painting the police: Aboriginal visual culture and identity in colonial Cape York Peninsula. Australian Archaeology
Cole, N. 2007, B. Rigsby and V. Steffenson. Dr. George Musgrave Obituary. Australian Aboriginal Studies.
Cole, N. 2006 Land/people relationships and the future of rock art in the Laura Basin, northeastern Australia’ in Brady, L., and P. Taçon (eds.), Relating to Rock Art in the Contemporary World: Negotiating Symbolism, Meaning and Significance, University Press Colorado, Boulder:189–212.
Cole, N. & G. Musgrave 2006 Colouring stone: examining categories in rock art. Rock Art Research 23(1):51–58.
Rigsby, B. and N. Cole 2006 (eds) Lamalama Country: Our Country Our Culture Our Way by P. Bassani, and A Lakefield with T. Popp. Brisbane: Akito and Arts Qld.
Cole, N. 2005 Review. Colouring the past: the significance of colour in archaeological research ed. By A. Jones and G. Macgregor. Berg, Oxford, 2002 Australian Archaeology 60:6–77.
Cole, N and A. Watchman 2005 AMS dating of Aboriginal rock art in the Laura region, Cape York Peninsula: protocols and results of recent research. Antiquity 79:661–678.
Cole, N. 2004 Battle Camp to Boralga: A local study of colonial war on Cape York Peninsula 1873-1894. Aboriginal History 28:156–189.
Cole, N. 2003 Laura Rock Art, Cape York Peninsula: a model of regional style. Adoranten pp.5–22 Scandinavian Society for Rock Art, Tanum (Sweden).
Cole, N., G. Musgrave. L. George, T. George & D. Banjo 2002 ‘Community archaeology at Laura, Cape York Peninsula’ in Ulm, S (ed.), Barriers, Borders, Boundaries. Proceedings of the 2001 Australian Archaeological Association Annual Conference, Anthropology Museum, University of Queensland, St Lucia:137–150.
Ward, I., A. Watchman, N. Cole & M. Morwood 2001, Identification of minerals in pigments from Aboriginalrock art in the Laura and Kimberley regions, Australia, Rock Art Research 18(1):15–23.
Cole, N. 2000 Rock art dating at Laura. In G. Ward and C. Tuniz (eds) Advances in Dating Australian Rock Art Imagery: Proceedings First Australian Rock Painting Dating Workshop at Woods Centre, Lucas Heights 8-10 Feb. 1996 under auspices of AIATSIS and AINSE. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.
Cole, N. and G. Ward 2000 Response to the Cairns Declaration: Code of Ethics for AURA. Rock Art Research 17(1):75–76.
Cole, N. 1999 Laura revisited: review of chronological models for Laura rock art. In D. Seglie (ed) Proceedings of the 1995 International Rock Art Congress Turin: New Approaches. Pinerolo. Centro Studi e Museo d’Arte Preistorica.
Cole, N. 1997 Review M. Morwood and D. Hobbs (eds) Rock Art and Ethnography. Proceedings ofthe Ethnography Symposium, Australian Rock Art Research Association Congress, Darwin, 1988. Australian Archaeology 45: 65–66.
Campbell, J., N. Cole, E. Hatte, C. Tuniz and A. Watchman 1996 Dating of rock surface accretions with Aboriginal paintings and engravings in North Queensland. In S. Ulm, I. Lilley, and A. Ross (eds) Australian Archaeology 95: Proceedings of the 1995 Australian Archaeological Association Annual Conference Tempus 6, Brisbane: Anthropology Museum, University of Queensland.
Cole, N. and A. Watchman 1996 Archaeology of white hand stencils Laura region, North Queensland, Australia. Techne: La science au service de l’histoire de l’art et des civilisations 3: 82–90. Paris: Laboratoire de recherche des musées de France.
Cole, N. 1995 Rock art in the Laura-Cooktown region, S.E. Cape York Peninsula. In M. J. Morwood and D. R. Hobbs (eds) Quinkan Prehistory: The Archaeology of Aboriginal Art in S.E. Cape York Peninsula. Tempus 3:51–70. St. Lucia: Anthropology Museum, University of Queensland.
Cole, N., A. Watchman and M. J. Morwood 1995 Chronology of Laura Rock Art. In M. J. Morwood and D. R. Hobbs (eds) Quinkan Prehistory: The Archaeology of Aboriginal Art in S.E. Cape York Peninsula. Tempus 3:147–160. St Lucia: Anthropology Museum, University of Queensland.
Cole, N. & A. Watchman 1993 Blue paints in prehistory. Rock Art Research 10(1):59–61.
Cole, N. 1992 ’Human’ motifs in the rock paintings of Jowalbinna, Laura in J. McDonald & I. Haskovic (eds.), State of the Art: Regional Rock Art Studies in Australia and Melanesia, AURA, Melbourne:164–173.
Cole, N.A. and A. Watchman 1992 Painting with plants: investigating plant fibres in Aboriginal rock paintings at Laura, Cape York Peninsula. Rock Art Research 9:27–36.
Watchman, A and N. Cole 1992 Accelerator radiocarbon dating of plant fibre binders in rock paintings from northeastern Australia. Antiquity 67:355–358.
Wallis, L.A. and N. Cole 2018 Biniirr National Park Preliminary Cultural Heritage Reconnaissance Trip, 4–5 December 2018. Unpublished report prepared for Waarnthuurr-iin Aboriginal Corporation and Queensland Parks and Wildlife.
Cole, N. and L.A. Wallis 2017b Workshop on Rock Art and Cultural Heritage Recording with Buubu-Guijin Aboriginal Corporation for Daarrba NP (CYPAL), Juunju Daarrba Nhirrpa NP (CYPAL), Melsonby (Gaarraay) NP (CYPAL) and Muundhi (Jack River) BP CYPAL), 23 May 2017. Unpublished report prepared for Buubu-Guijin Aboriginal Corporation and Queensland Parks and Wildlife.
Cole, N. and L.A. Wallis 2017a Report on Workshop on Rock Art/Cultural Heritage Recording with Waarnthuurr-iin Aboriginal Corporation for Biniirr NP (CYPAL), 22 May 2017. Unpublished report prepared for Waarnthuurr-iin Aboriginal Corporation and Queensland Parks and Wildlife.
Cole, N. and L.A. Wallis 2017c Report on Rock Art/Cultural Heritage Workshop with Balnggarrawarra Aboriginal Corporation for Biniirr NP (CYPAL), 24 May 2017. Unpublished report prepared for Balnggarrawarra Aboriginal Corporation and Queensland Parks and Wildlife.
Cole, N. and L.A. Wallis 2017d Report on Cultural Heritage Recording Workshop with Rinyurru Aboriginal Corporation, Rinyurru National Park, 7 June 2017. Unpublished report prepared for Rinyurru Aboriginal Corporation and Queensland Parks and Wildlife.
Cole, N.A. 1998 Eel and Boomerang: An Archaeological Study of Order and Variability in Aboriginal Rock Art of the Laura Sandstone Province, Cape York Peninsula, Australia. Unpublished PhD thesis. Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, James Cook University of North Queensland, Cairns.
Cole. N.A. 1988 The Rock Art of Jowalbinna. Unpublished BA(Hons) thesis, Department of Behavioural Science, James Cook University of North Queensland, Cairns.
Posted on 08 April 2013
Posted on 06 April 2013
Posted on 06 April 2013
Posted on 17 March 2013